Strength togetHER 3-Session 5

September 5, 2020.

Strength TogetHER, facilitated by Lokopakar is a virtual place for girls to speak their hearts out while in a group and find peer support. It provides girls a platform to express their feeling, emotions, and stories. Girls form a group and comfortably share it while they have a moderator to guide them.

It is really a joyful note that it has been our 5th session already and rather than being nervous I feel a different kind of excitement to interact with them and share experiences and stories. We had our respected Amina ma’am with us again for this session.

Being a cohort of young dreamers, the topic we decided for the session was “Chasing our Dreams”. It is no longer a myth that girls who chase their dreams are the real superheroes. Dreams are what make us compassionate and driven to pursue it. Now, it’s a known fact that girls are capable as boys that’s something we can’t argue about. If a boy is an engineer, they are an engineer but if a girl is an engineer, she is not only an engineer, she might also be a super mom or a daughter who helps to do household works even after a tiring long day. That’s something we girls are never acknowledged and often forget about, but we try our best both in work life and home. Here sharing our dreams that are yet left to accomplish by our girls and some which were silly, and we even made fun about;

•One of our speakers shared her dream of becoming an air hostess. She expressed us how she thought being an air hostess would make her pretty. A huge shoutout to all the pretty air hostesses around the world who give us endless smile during our long hour flights. Even when we are completely exhausted, they put their best and do their service.

•Another speaker shared her dream about being a doctor and how it changed to be a banker now. She revealed how her grades gave up and she had to choose to become a banker as she finds banker a very reputable job too.

•Our next speaker shared her ceaseless dreams of a child to become a teacher, an air hostess, and many more but now she also wants to become a banker.

•Our another speaker shared her childhood dream to become an air hostess. (I guess our speakers idolize air hostess as a profession).

The dreams that we all shared were kind of similar. It was sad knowing that some of our dreams had to be wiped out due to various reasons. While some being erased due to having no scope for the future; Some because having family restrictions and many other reasons. The women who have been proving everyone that they can do equal jobs as men are our ultimate inspirations. There are no restrictions on dreaming but remember girls, we have to accomplish it too. We shouldn't let anyone brainwash us that we can’t, we just have to believe in ourselves. We're the only one who needs to constantly focus on our goals. 

It was another gracious session with powerful dreamers. Another session where we forgot to keep track of our time, another session sharing smiles. Looking forward to another week’s session. 

Written by- Christy Gurung (Cohort Coordinator, LOKOPAKAR)

Edited by - Aastha Shrestha (LOKOPAKAR)


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