Strength togetHER 3- Introductory session

25 July, 2020

Strength togeHER facilitated by Lokopakar provides a virtual safe platform for girls by sharing their personal stories, ideas, and dreams among them. Girls are guided and encouraged by a highly skilled moderator. Girls face unique challenges even in some societies of present day where patriarchy is ruling in one way or the other. This virtual program gives girls the opportunity to share their stories with each other and get strength from each other. It motivates us to take actions and helps to build confidence within ourselves.

Strength TogetHER has been running its 2 cohorts successfully and smoothly. To expand further we decided to take another step and thus formed "Strength togetHER cohort 3." Being part of Cohort 1 as a participant, I, Christy Gurung took up the action and it makes me so excited to say that we successfully completed the first introductory session of Strength togetHER cohort 3.

Miss. Rozina Dahal was the moderator of our first session. She graduated from Kathmandu University in development studies and has been volunteering for various organizations. She has always been vocal about gender issues and inequality. Her own stories convey that she has overcome many obstacles to become the person she is today.

As the first session of cohort 3, we had the introductory session. It was really interactive. To get to know everyone and realizing we will be together for more sessions had me excited. Once we introduced ourselves, we started with our first topic “REALIZATION OF INDIFFERENCE BETWEEN MALE AND FEMALE” which was raised by our moderator.

Rozina Dahal Ma'am, aimed at providing a warm place to the girls by sharing her side of stories in the beginning, so others could feel comfortable to share their side of stories.

One of the participants shared her stories when she was called out for not knowing how to cook by herself pointing that she was a girl and it was a prerequisite of hers. As she lived in the hostel for 6 years until she passed her SEE examination and when she came back home, she had vague ideas as she didn't have any impression to do the household works. While her own brother who was only a year younger than her was never enforced to do so.

Contrary to her was another speaker who was always treated fairly and never had to come across any kind of indifference between her cousin brothers. She also explained about always being pampered being the only daughter in the house.

Furthermore, our participants were able to share their stories of their first periods. Talking about periods in public is still a taboo. But given the opportunity to share we could see everyone sharing their story. The first period has always been a disaster for girls.

Most of the girls tried to hide their periods for the first time feeling that it shouldn’t be spoken. One of the participants even tried to make their own pad with tissue paper and hid it from their parents. Similar cases were with another participant as well.

We also came to acknowledge periods were treated differently according to different castes. We heard from the participants how they felt when they were treated differently when they had their periods may it be during everyday chores or special occasions. It has always created a hindrance to our happiness. But we know the fact that period brings a level of understanding. The time we embrace, reflect, and learn more about the relationship with ourselves and our body which is very beautiful.

Our moderator provided us with ideas and thoughts to stand out from the crowd. Traditional gender roles should be discouraged and it is our duty as a youth to reduce it. Gender roles are not only found in the homes but are also there in a larger scales, be it politics or work sectors.

It was a fruitful and interactive session. We are really grateful to Rozina ma'am who created a great environment for 20 girls. It was a great session indeed. Looking forward for more sessions.

Written by - Christy Gurung
Edited by - Barsha Tamang ( LOKOPAKAR)


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