
Showing posts from July, 2020

Strength togetHER 3- Introductory session

25 July, 2020 Strength togeHER facilitated by Lokopakar provides a virtual safe platform for girls by sharing their personal stories, ideas, and dreams among them. Girls are guided and encouraged by a highly skilled moderator. Girls face unique challenges even in some societies of present day where patriarchy is ruling in one way or the other. This virtual program gives girls the opportunity to share their stories with each other and get strength from each other. It motivates us to take actions and helps to build confidence within ourselves. Strength TogetHER has been running its 2 cohorts successfully and smoothly. To expand further we decided to take another step and thus formed "Strength togetHER cohort 3." Being part of Cohort 1 as a participant, I, Christy Gurung took up the action and it makes me so excited to say that we successfully completed the first introductory session of Strength togetHER cohort 3. Miss. Rozina Dahal was the moderator of our first session. She g